Sunday, November 20, 2011

Who’s at Your Thanksgiving Table?

Who is eating at your Thanksgiving table this year? Neighbors? Friends? Family? Recently, I discovered there is a tropical parasite called “Blood Fluke” dining at mine. Blood Fluke is not found in the United States. It is indigenous in third world countries, such as the Caribbean, where we vacationed 16 years ago.

A “parasite” is defined as an “organism living in or on another organism (it’s host) that benefits by deriving nutrients at the host’s expense. Simply speaking, you might say a parasite “eats” from another’s table, causing varying degrees of damage or disease to it’s host. Parasites are generally much smaller and reproduce at a faster rate than their hosts. An extraordinary variety of viruses, bacteria, parasites, and organisms stand ready to attack us and feed off our bodies' cells. They can come from our water, food, animals, and even small insects. Parasites can also carry a host of other destructive pathogens with them, such as the Lyme pathogen that my Blood Fluke carried with it.

After 16 years of chasing after the complicated pathogens associated with Lyme disease, I have finally discovered who has been eating at MY table! Blood Fluke—a tropical parasite, has been hiding in my body, undetected by traditional medical tests—an organism so small and naked to the human eye that it has been able to feast and thrive heartily at my table. Blood Fluke—carrying within it’s digestive system the Lyme pathogens that have plagued my body.

Before my September post, ‘Remembering 9/11,” I had not written on my blog for over six months, due to the electrically charged pinched nerves in my neck and arms—somehow made acthive when I am working on the computer. What began as an annoyance that I controlled with essential oils for several months, suddenly spiraled out of control into an extremely painful, traumatic condition. I had been religiously following a new medical protocol over the past year that had been helping my joint pain and over-all condition, when suddenly I found myself at a healing crossroad. I tried a Lymphatic and Cranial Sacral massage therapy, as well as a Chiropractor, for what originally appeared to be tendinitis, to help relieve my “burning” shoulder, arm muscle, and elbow pain. The “electrical” cramping nerve pain would plague me for hours after sitting at my computer keyboard. My only continuous relief was to discontinue using the computer—my connection to the world, family and friends—my creative outlet. I love literature—reading, writing—manipulating the English language, like an artist painting a portrait with colorful oils. I enjoy weaving together different colors and shades of the written word.

Last February, with no other choice readily available, I had to retire from the church job I have loved for ten years—writing my ward’s weekly ward bulletin, monthly newsletter, phone directory and yearly history. My burning arm pain has been reminiscent of the sciatic nerve pain I experienced in my legs eight years ago, causing me to be bedridden. It was also comparable to the foot and arm pain that signaled the beginning of my health crisis 16 years ago. I have been told many times by medical personnel that I have a high tolerance for pain, but the “nerve pain” I have ever experienced is pain unlike I have ever known and has literally threatened to bring me to a breaking point. Medically speaking, there has never been a logical answer for these painful episodes and I have had to rely on a much higher power for inspiration when I didn’t know what to do or where to turn for help.

Life has been compared to a continuous journey with obstacles and challenges that threaten to destroy us. We are sometimes faced with life-threatening opposition and treacherous rocky roads, with dips and turns that hamper our physical and eternal progress. Like parasites, sometimes people can be parasitic to our soul, feeding off our tables, trying to diminish our God-given light—in an attempt to brighten their own lamps. They want us to feel the same unhappiness they feel. Parasitic people––sometimes called “haters” or “bullies” are usually just unhappy people, looking for joy by feeding off our tables of light.

We must watch out for parasitic people and believe them when they show us who they really are by their actions. We want to believe there is good in everyone, but like real parasites, parasitic people can block our eternal progress by taking away our “good nutrients.” Like the previously undetected parasites hidden within my body, they leave a negative environment of unhappiness in their path and it is up to us to clear their negative effects from our lives.

Sometimes parasitic people, like parasitic pathogens, can be a blessing in disguise––helping us discover “who we are” and what we are made of. Parasites may try to block our progress by taking away our good nutrients, but once we identify them we can begin to navigate around them and clear away the destructive behavior.

The fork in the road of my dining room healing crisis led me to explore an alternative path I had heard about previously in a local Lyme support meeting. Along with my regular medical appointments, I am also going to a new medical clinic trained in Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and genetic testing. I have discovered new answers—what happened to me and why I got hit so hard, so fast. I have been exposed to new ideas, new technology, and new people, who have traveled equally difficult paths of healing. In a world filled with turmoil, I am continuously amazed at the wondrous world of technology we live in, and the generous people who strive to help others and make this world a better place for everyone. I am filled with gratitude for the multitudes of God’s children who work tirelessly, serving others in His kingdom—from my dedicated doctors to my husband who has become chief cook, maid, and bottle washer, and our children who generously give their time and talents to clean our home and massage my sore muscles. We are grateful for good friends and neighbors who faithfully show up each day to help me exercise, and bless our lives with their genuine friendship and acts of love.

Slowly we have begun to unravel the complicated mysteries of my illness, causing me to realize that I have been led “line upon line, precept upon precept,” according to my faith and willingness to open my heart in acceptance. For example, even though I had been taking an abundance of supplements, we discovered I had a very specific calcium and magnesium need, correcting my cramping muscles almost immediately. I was also tested for very specific toxins and pathogens that are relative to Lyme disease when a patient’s is unable to rid themselves of the Lyme die-off. Through genetic testing we discovered I am a slow detoxer and have began to skillfully begin to bypass that genetic code to help my body turn things around to the best of its ability.

Ir makes me smile now remembering my sister, Judy, who passed away 25 years ago, when she used to say jokingly, “I wish I could have a parasite from South America for a little while, so I could eat whatever I wanted and get real skinny!” However, it is definitely not something you want eating at your table! Happy Thanksgiving! And count your blessings!

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